Come Registrarsi su Unicorn Network


solo una registrazione GRATUITA per tutti i siti dell'Unicorn Network
Registrati Adesso


Cliccare sul rettangolo con freccia
in alto a destra di un qualsiasi sito della rete Unicorn

Si clicca qui sia per Registrarsi che per Entrare o Uscire dai siti


Cliccare sul pulsante CREATE NEW ACCOUNT

Per registrarsi cliccare su CREATE NEW ACCOUNT

Per entrare nel sito serve l'USERNAME, la PASSWORD e 3 cifre del proprio MASTER PIN a 6 cifre, la cui posizione e' indicata dagli #


Registrarsi oppure Entrare

Next, if you are already a member click on

If you need to register click on


Enter your email address in the first box and enter it again in the second box. Create a password and enter it in the third box and repeat it in the fourth box. (be sure to write it down somewhere so you have it if you need it) Your password must be at least 6 characters long and can contain numbers (0-9), letters (A-Z), and special characters. At least one number, one small letter, and one capital letter is required. You must be 14 years old or older to have an account with us. If you are, put a √ in the box. You cannot make an account for anyone else. You cannot register a minor. Next, read the Terms and Privacy policy and then put a √ in the box to confirm. Click on the CLICK HERE FOR STEP 2 button to continue.


Enter the code in the box and click on CONFIRM FREE REGISTRATION


Check your email for your Confirmation Code and enter it in the box and click on CLICK TO CONFIRM


Next you will choose a Username. Be sure it is one you can live with because it will be part of your personalized URL and you will not be able to change it. Type it in twice and then click on CLICK TO CONFIRM USERNAME (Your username can contain numbers and letters only. Be sure to write it down)


Next you will set up your 6 number MASTER PIN Enter 6 numbers, 0-9 , repeat to confirm, then click on CLICK TO CONFIRM MASTER PIN button.


Once you have set up your MASTER PIN you will login entering your Username, Password and the appropriate numbers from the randomly specified position of your MASTER PIN. The position #s will change each time you login. For example: If your MASTER PIN is 961728 In the below example the login prompts you to enter ENTER DIGIT #3 #4 #5 (These #s refer to the number position in your MASTER PIN and they will be different each time you login) #3 would be 1 because it is the third number in your MASTER PIN #4 would be 7 because it is the fourth number in your MASTER PIN #5 would be 2 because it is the fifth number in your MASTER PIN So, above “ENTER DIGIT #3 #4 #5 OF YOUR MASTER PIN” you would enter 172 and click on GO.


You are now ready to enjoy our site and services. NOTE: Your MASTER PIN is a one-time setup and it is permanent. You are responsible for making sure you know it by saving it in a safe place and memorizing it. If you forgot your MASTER PIN and need it to be replaced or reset you must contact Support. There is a $25 fee if your MASTER PIN needs to be reset for a new one.